Our old student and staff member for many years, Suleiman, died suddenly but peaceful in his sleep. We will all miss his presence and his smile. It is said that God loves his challenged children more.
Last night, our old student and staff member for many years, Suleiman, died suddenly but peaceful in his sleep. We will all miss his...
Our teachers are continuing daily classes to our students through online education. Unfortunately not every family has a smartphone. In our first session we could give a smartphone to 7 students
#COVID19 #DistantLearning #onlineeducation Also this school year, we are in #lockdown but our teachers are continuing daily classes to...
Since 2 weeks the authorities and a multi-party group of volunteers are running a much needed community kitchen to distribute hot meals to families who struggle to Corona
#covidreliefwork SISP-Centre belongs to Venganoor Panchayat (municipality - gemeente). . Besides our own home meals delivery in...