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Training to empower the women

Today was the last day of the three-days training for our social workers and members

of the micro credit groups. The training contained several classes with different subjects.

They had classes about personal development,domestic violence against women and

children, gender and gender perspectives, waste managment, organic farming...

These training was in collaboration with the women empowerment centre Sakhi.

For both of them it was very interessting to see all these different things and learn

to improve their lives.

Most of the groups are Muslim women, they used to stay inside

all day. But in a couple of years some changes came along and with the micro credit groups.

they started to come out, they learned how to read and write, learned how to go to the bank...

At the end of the training, 10 women were chosen to be a leader of a certain area.

The purpose of these leaderships is that they involve the other women and other

families in the neighbourhood to keep the area clean. They will save plastic instead of

throwing it away, some of them will install a compost pipe and start with agriculture.

The social workers visit these groups once a week. After these training they will continue

with some topics to upgrade the purpose of the training.

It's important to keep these changes alive and learn them new things to empower the women.

Because S.I.S.P. will always believe in the power of women !

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